
Thank you for your interest. My name is Arron and I am an artist. My work is largely expressive and abstract, and at times includes healthy amounts of exploration with color, movement, various media, and subject matter to avoid getting stale. I approach art creation with attention given to the energy or vibration that is achieved through the color, composition, and design.

 Many of my pieces begin with an automatic drawing exercise. In an attempt to access my subconscious I approach the work as openly as possible, caring as little as I’m able about the outcome in order to maximize freedom of expression. Gradually the process will take direction as I respond to the initial mark making by adding and subtracting information to reveal the piece. Sort of a call and response if you will. This process creates layers that generate a narrative for the viewer’s eye to discover and interpret.

This process focused approach is quite rewarding in that; it is incredible fun, freeing, therapeutic, and includes endless possibilities.  I have never experienced a creative block and I believe it is due to this way of undertaking the creative process. Another result of this proposition is that my work moves around and I don’t focus on one specific subject or even style. Nonetheless, my art does have a common thread. You will find bold gestural movements that create action, dynamic color, and you will see I have a tendency to define shapes with heavy lines.

So I’m here to let go, have fun, explore, and transcend my dull consciousness while creating interesting art. My energy, moods, experiences, and adventurous desire for visual exploration are what I am offering with these paintings and drawings. I invite you to join me, stick around, stare, and hopefully identify with something you see here.